Current Album Cover
01 What Is This Feeling
02 Orbiting
03 Slow Mornings
04 Pocket
05 Easier
06 VHS Aesthetic
07 Old Skin
08 Best Effort
09 By the River
10 All I Know Is I’m Afraid
11 Thanks But No Thanks
12 An Opportunity to Go to the Moon
13 This Could be It
14 Growing My Garden
After listening to the album fully, the over arching story I saw was tending to a garden, and the garden being your mind. Lansangan alludes to this in her song "This Could Be It" and also in the last song of the album "Growing My Garden."
Please tread lightly; step inside the garden of my mind
-This Could Be It

All of the songs could be put into these four categories, all of which are things that plants do. This solidified the plan of drawing imagery from gardening.

When continuing to research Lansangan and spending time on her website, it is apparent that she is a lover of old things. She has a song on this album called VHS aesthetic that talks about the life cycle of trends and older things becoming "cool" again.
Whatever goes up must come down What is lost
will be found
will be found
-VHS Aesthetic
I drew inspiration from Lansangan's website, and old cross-stitching patterns, playing on the idea of something that is typically seen as "older" and making it :cool" again.

This is a cross-stitching pattern, and the real album cover really would be cross-stitched. The text is completely custom, wrapped in vines, and surrounded by flowers, alluding to the themes of growing in mental maturity.

read my reflection here