Illustration without text: "Yes, that was the day - and the night - that Mom and I and little Harry and Wilf the Wonderdog went shopping to the shop on the store."
This is a book about a Mom, her two kids, and their dog going on a grand and eventful shopping trip through the jungle, the desert, the ocean, and more. I chose two illustrate the last two spreads of the book when they finally arrive at their destination.

Character Design Sketches
Inspired by Julie Flett and simple geometric character design. In the absence of facial features, strong outfits and poses are chosen.

Illustrations by Oamul Lu,Ohkii Studio, Jon Klassen, Michelle Morin, Beatrice Alemagna, and other unknown artists. I was inspired by simple characters within a grand landscape and watercolor washes with textural colored pencil over the top.

In progress
I chose to paint an underpainting of yellow and blue relating to the shadows and lights. With this technique, when I layered colored pencil over the top there is colored undertones which help reinforce the warm glow from inside the shop.

Illustration without text: "And it was still OPEN"